İzmir Ticaret Avukatı
We maintain our up-to-date consultancy services with the works we carry out within the scope of the Turkish Commercial Code and the relevant legislation. Legal auditing and legal infrastructure studies of companies, continuous consultancy services for companies, legal support to general assembly, board of directors and shareholder board meetings, compliance with corporate governance standards, and establishment and supervision of company management procedures and committees, Domestic and foreign legal entities and companies Establishment of branches and liaison offices, Mergers and Acquisitions, Type changes and divisions of companies, Foreign capital investments and investment planning, Establishment of companies abroad, Opening branches and offices, Direct or portfolio investments abroad, Jant ventures and strategic cooperation, All kinds of partnerships Negotiating, drafting, arranging and correcting agreements and corporate law documents, Company and Business reorganization and restructuring, stocks and other securities, Public Offering and Capital Market Law, Legal support of public companies in capital market issues Effective efforts to cover issues such as Private Equity, venture capital, angel investor, financing practices and preparation for these processes, Company Financing, Company taxation and Tax planning, Partnerships, Voting, Option and Management Agreements, Minority Rights. company law service is provided.
We provide services in all issues to be needed relating to contract/agreement such as drawing up, amending, signing, implementing agreements, renewing or terminating the agreements such as agent and dealership agreements, distributorship agreements, franchising agreements, business combinations, company takeovers, trademark transfer agreements, construction agreements, know-how agreements, license agreements, rental contracts, commodity-service purchase and sale agreements, joint venture agreements, leasing agreements, supply contracts, asset and debt restructuring agreements, real estate buy, sell and transfer agreements.
Some of the services provided under the Corporate Law are as follows:
- Establishment of a company, branch and liaison office
- General Assembly meetings
- Capital increase and reduction
- Transfer of shares
- Preparation of legal status reports
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Ticaret Avukatı

Address: Karşıyaka Tower No:12 Kat:9 Daire:59 Karşıyaka/İzmir
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +90 534 415 52 56